Attention prospective Laurelhurst Elementary School Families! If you're looking to enroll your student for the 2025-2026 school year, join us for one of two tours this month: Thursday, Jan. 23rd from 3-4pm or Tuesday, Jan. 26th from 6-7pm. Come tour our school and meet our wonderful principal, staff, and fellow parents. More info on SPS Enrollment can be found here.
Advocate for Seattle Schools and Students
Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Brent Jones released his preliminary recommendations for school closures on Oct. 24, which named four schools to be closed for the 2025-2026 school year:
Northwest Region: Closing – North Beach Elementary
Consolidating with Viewlands Elementary at Viewlands
Northeast Region: Closing – Sacajawea Elementary
Consolidating with John Rogers Elementary at John Rogers
Central Region: Closing – Stevens Elementary
Consolidating with Montlake Elementary at Montlake
Southwest Region: Closing – Sanislo Elementary
Consolidating with Highland Park Elementary at Highland Park
These recommendations follow the school board’s recent vote to scale down initial proposals that would have closed up to 21 elementary schools, including Laurelhurst Elementary School.
While we are relieved that Laurelhurst Elementary School is not on this latest list, we are saddened for the communities where these closures will disrupt students and families amid SPS' ongoing budget crisis. We are grateful for the outpouring of support from our LES community, and for the various ways people made their voices heard.
Advocacy efforts will continue as we aim to keep the district and school board accountable for centering the interests of students above all others in every decision, and for ensuring access and providing excellence in the education of every student.
Resources to Stay Informed
Seattle Public Schools Well-Resourced Schools Hub
Find up-to-date information from SPS about the two proposals
All Together for Seattle Schools
A group of SPS parents and community members from across the city that partners with educators and other organizations in advocacy for Seattle students.
Fund SPS
A group of concerned SPS parents committed to advocating on behalf of all Seattle kids. Find form letters that you can send to school board directors and legislators here
Laurelhurst Elementary Advocacy
A webpage set up with up-to-date action steps
Want to get involved with advocacy at LES?
Please email us if you'd like to get involved with advocacy efforts at Laurelhurst Elementary.